How Can POS Software Upgrade Your Business?

Inventory management is an integral element of every retail store since it allows businesses to connect with the suppliers they work with and their customers. But, research has revealed that just 63% of companies are precise in how much inventory is in their stores. This is a clear indication that there is a need to improve the management of inventory. In this blog, we'll discuss four ways POS Solutions in Jaipur can help upgrade an online store.

Streamline Sales Process.

As an online retailer, you may be required to perform multiple steps when dealing with customers. It is common for customers to begin by looking for a product either in-store or online, then paying (and the shipping) process. In the final stage, after purchase, the buyer may wish to return or exchange the item they just purchased.

Point of Sale in Jaipur that has inventory control will simplify and speed up the process. With this new technology, everything can be managed within one platform. Data about customers and sales can be saved within the system using real-time synchronization. In turn, you can search for or keep a specific order running easily.

Manage Multiple Warehouses.

A lot of large companies nowadays have multiple warehouses. This can make it difficult for owners to manage their inventory with the help of technology. The presence of multiple warehouses can create data discrepancies like when a particular product is listed as "available" in the system and is found to not be in inventory at a specific location.

POS Software in Jaipur that has inventory control is a great solution for managing multiple warehouses. Most businesses nowadays prefer an MSI (Multi-Source Inventory) management system that can optimize the process, for example, ForkLyft POS. Users can effortlessly manage their warehouses, inventory as well as suppliers by using vast and robust tools. The systems have evolved into an excellent complement with that of the POS system.

Cloud Data Storage.

Cloud storage of data allows big businesses to save money and time. With cloud-based POS users are able to access data wherever provided there is an Internet connection. For instance, if you aren't in retail but want to alter the level of inventory the POS Software Development Company in Jaipur can allow you to do that.

Furthermore, the POS software allows for a lot more data than the conventional type. Because the information is stored on the cloud so you don't need to be concerned about the volume of data that you put into the program. This allows you to concentrate on the other important tasks.

Accurate Inventory Reports.

POS software that has inventory control also can improve your understanding of your business. The system generates reports and analyses using sales information. As a store's owner or employee, you can track the trends in inventory and sales of your company. One of the things you will notice is the most popular items and dead inventory. Then, you'll be able to think of strategies that will work in the near future for restocking the most popular bestsellers or placing the dead inventory in a promotion.


From these factors, POS software with inventory control is a multi-purpose tool for retailers. If you're in search of a POS that does this, you may consider looking through ForkLyft, POS Development Company in Jaipur. Our POS system is a leader in real-time synchronization as well as management of inventory across both offline and online platforms.

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Cloud ERP Software Solutions in Kolkata | Customized ERP

Why should you consider Customized ERP solutions for your business?

Proper ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), the software can help you organize, automate, and improve your business. Customized ERP Solutions can improve efficiency and allow for continuous growth. You risk losing money and not boosting your business by choosing the wrong type of ERP software. We'll discuss the key benefits of custom ERP solutions, and give you some tips to help you choose the best ERP solution.

How Scalable Customized ERP Solutions Can Boost Small & Medium Enterprises?

An ERP application allows you to view and share data in order to automate and optimize basic business operations. ERP software is often thought to be only suitable for large companies. However, even small businesses can reap the benefits of customized ERP solutions. These systems are modular and can be easily modified to meet business needs. Companies in the SME sector are increasingly finding themselves in a situation where they have to abandon the idea to develop an ERP system from scratch. Instead, they choose to update the software by creating custom-made modules that add missing features.

It can be difficult to collect and analyze data due to complex organizational structures, interconnections among departments, and other issues. Cloud ERP Software Solutions allows you to collect, organize, and interpret data from various business transactions.

Customer Relationship Management.
Supply chain.
Human Resources.

This information doesn't have context or perspective if it hasn't been processed. You can't also see the connections between different parts of data. These custom ERP solutions can extract, automate, and organize the data required to make smart business decisions. ERP software allows companies to be more flexible and efficient through data-based decisions.

How can customized ERP solutions boost your business?

ERP systems are able to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), integrate business units, analyze data integrity, and identify duplicates.

These are the key features of ERP software that can save companies money.
Automating parts of the work of employees
Troubleshooting single-purpose Software
Securing all company data stored in one location
A single solution for analysis, reporting, and data collection
Simplify inventory tracking and sales
Improved cooperation among employees from different departments of the company
ERP solutions can be used on two levels to better suit the needs of a company.

ERP can be a single solution or a complete system. This option is preferred if you don't currently use ERP software and intend to hire a software development company. A series of interviews will be conducted by business analysts to determine the needs of your company and to develop a solution.

ERP modules that integrate with the existing system. This allows you to improve the business processes without having to spend resources on developing and deploying a new solution. You can instead add new modules to an existing application and do any customizations with Cloud ERP Software Solutions in Kolkata. There are many options available, including reports module, customer and order management tools, workload management tool, time tracking system, and project dashboards. This solution will allow you to make better business decisions, increase efficiency in analysis, and improve reporting without interrupting your business processes.


It can be difficult to choose an ERP solution that is right for your small or medium business. You risk paying more for a pre-made solution than custom-made software. You'll likely face lackluster features when you buy an ERP system. Customized ERP Solutions in Kolkata take the time to get to know you and your business so they can provide solutions. You can objectively assess the capabilities of ERP developers and you will be confident in your ability to choose the right solution for you.

Ready to Get Started?

Reach out to us to get an expert opinion, free analysis and kickstart your business.